September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and we know how important it is for all of us to know how to support our loved ones who are struggling, and know how to respond in a crisis.
So we are offering this free QPR training this month!
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is an evidenced-based suicide prevention training and curriculum. It teaches individuals to recognize someone at risk of dying from suicide, how to intervene with confidence and competence, and how to refer them to an appropriate support resource. It also covers information about suicide (statistics, culture/stigma around suicide, myths/facts about suicide) and includes a role play where you will get a chance to practice this new skill.
Material covered in this training includes discussion about suicide and mental health, which we recognize can be sensitive and tough topics. Many of our lives have been personally impacted by suicide; whether we ourselves have lost someone to suicide or have been in a suicide crisis ourselves. QPR training can potentially be emotionally distressing. Please consider this when making the decision to attend. If you have any questions/concerns about whether you should take this training or questions about anything else, please reach out to Robert, QPR Trainer and Peer Wellness Specialist ( or call 503-356-6835 and leave a message for Robert.
To sign up, Call NAMI Washington County at 503-356-6835 or ask to sign up at the front desk of the NAMI Wash CO building. Space in this training is limited.