Health-Related Services Funds - CareOregon wants to make sure your unique health needs are addressed, so you are as healthy as possible. That’s why your benefits include access to a fund for what the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) calls “health-related services.” This fund covers items or services that will help keep you healthy, and that you might not expect would be paid for by your health plan.
Choice Program - Choice is a program that helps adults with complex needs. The goal is to help people with severe mental illness stay in their community of choice, in the lowest level of care possible. Program staff often help people who have been committed and are in the state hospital. They provide support and advocacy as people transition back into their home communities. Choice staff do not provide treatment, instead they help coordinate the services a person needs. County staff work with treatment providers and other supports to make sure services center on the client’s goals and preferences. Our staff are experts on the community system of care. Most people eligible for Choice services are in high levels of care such as mental health residential treatment or the state hospital. You must be a resident of Washington County, or in the process of relocating to Washington County, to be eligible for services. To learn more about the Choice program, please call 503-846-4528.
Ride To Care - Ride to Care supports transportation providers and drivers with the tools, trainings and contracts to provide a quality transportation service.
Northstar Clubhouse - Clubhouses create a safe space where members living with mental health issues can step out of the shadows of social isolation and into the light of a healing community. Through meaningful relationships and volunteer work, our members have real opportunities to reintegrate into society by becoming gainfully employed, pursuing education, and being part of a supportive community.
Depression/Bipolar Support Alliance - Learn more about America’s #1 provider of peer support and services, education, and wellness tools for people living with depression or bipolar disorder.
Hawthorn Walk-in Center - Everyone needs help sometimes. If you have behavioral health issues (mental health or addictions), sometimes you need help right away. The Hawthorn Walk-in Center provides urgent services for mental health and substance use concerns. *Currently unable to accept walk-ins.
New Narrative - We envision a future where everyone seeking mental health care can live the life they choose. With access to our range of clinical care, peer programs, housing and other services, participants can develop the tools to thrive in the community and build their own path to independence.
Telecare - As a family- and employee-owned organization, we are committed to respect, growth, and partnership. We believe our investment in cultural humility, equity, and inclusion (CHEI), as a strategic priority will allow us to live our values more fully and grow to be a more effective and powerful provider.
Life Works NW - The foundation for lifelong wellbeing starts in childhood and builds through all stages of life. Sometimes, things happen in life that can crack or rock that foundation. It’s never too late to reach out. We provide compassionate care across the lifespan – from the youngest children to older adults, to help strengthen wellbeing for all.
Cascadia Behavioral Health - Cascadia Health delivers Whole Health CareTM. We provide mental health services, addiction recovery support, primary care, wellness programs, permanent housing solutions and affordable housing to people of all ages.
LifeStance Health - Western Psychological & Counseling Services (Western) has provided high quality behavioral health services in the Portland and Vancouver Metropolitan Area for over 30 years. We are pleased to announce that we are becoming a member of LifeStance Health, a national leader in behavioral health care.
WolfPack Consulting & Therapeutic Services - Mental Health services are provided within a variety of settings including our offices, our community, and within the home. Providers collaborate with individuals and families to assess strengths and needs, natural supports, general and cultural identity. This assessment provides a foundational plan for the ongoing individualized work and support offered. We believe this relational, multi-faceted approach; will lead to greater success for children, adults, families, and the community.
Lifekey Counseling - Mindful-Somatic Therapy for Complex Trauma: Anxiety, Shame, Stuckness
Youth & Family Resources - These organizations can help coordinate a community event, locate speakers who have expertise in mental health, offer peer and family supports, and provide general information on mental health as well as treatment, and available services for mental health issues.
Safe + Strong Family Resources - Find support created by your community, for your community. Connect with a counselor who understands your experience or join a support group with others going through the same thing.
Morrison Child & Family Services - At Morrison, we provide mental health and substance use recovery services for approximately 7,000 youth and families annually throughout Oregon, with most services provided in the Portland metro area. We are committed to bringing families together and prioritize our work to achieve equitable, culturally-responsive, and sustainable practices to serve individuals of every background.
Wraparound Care Coordination - Wraparound is a team-based planning process that supports youth and families with complex needs. There are often many people who care about the well-being of a youth. Wraparound brings together friends, relatives, schoolteachers, counselors and caseworkers. The team works with the youth and family to develop an individualized plan. Participation in Wraparound is always voluntary.
Oregon Family Support Network - We are families and youth working together to promote mental, behavioral and emotional wellness for other families and youth through education, support, and advocacy.
NAMI Multnomah Family Partners - Wraparound Family Partners provide support to parents and caregivers of minor children receiving mental health treatment. A Family Partner walks alongside the parent or caregiver to provide resources and to share lessons learned from their personal experience. They utilize the T.E.A.M.S. model; they teach, empower, advocate, model, and support.
Peer and Family Supports - Mental illness can impact anyone. Connecting with someone else who has been through a similar experience can be helpful. They have "been there" and can offer advice and support. There are several organizations available to help.
Squires PDX - There is an old saying that “every good story needs a villain” and when tales of teen parenting are told, we don’t even bother reading the script. Without even a glance at the pages, we assume the role of the villain will be played by the teen father. In actuality, the role of the teen father has a unique opportunity to become a champion in the teen parenting tale.
Washington County CRISIS Line- 24/7 - 503-291-9111
Washington County Crisis Services - Not sure which service you need? Call the crisis line at 503-291-9111 and staff will connect you to the right one.
Hawthorne Walk-In Center- Everyone needs help sometimes. If you have behavioral health issues (mental health or addictions), sometimes you need help right away. The Hawthorn Walk-in Center provides urgent services for mental health and substance use concerns. *Currently unable to accept walk-ins.
Washington County Mental Health Response Team:MHRT is available every day from 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Call - 9-1-1.
County Specific Mental Health Departments - Do you or a loved one need help finding local mental health resources? On this page, you will find a link to your county’s mental health department, their phone number, and their crisis phone number.
Lines For Life - Lines for Life is a regional non-profit dedicated to preventing substance abuse and suicide. They offer help and hope to individuals and communities, and promote mental health for all.
TIP: Emotional First Aid for Survivors of Tragedy - Citizen volunteers provide emotional first aid to survivors of tragedy in order to ease their immediate suffering and facilitate their healing and long term recovery.
Catholic Community Services Crisis Stabilization/CATS (Crisis and Transition Services) - Catholic Community Services Family Behavioral Health Southend site is a licensed children’s mental health provider, serving youth from 5 through 17 years of age. CCS provides two main types of mental health services: short-term crisis services aimed at diverting youth from possible hospitalization when they present to an ED or a County Crisis Center, and longer-term intensive in-home services for youth with high ongoing needs. Their mission is to provide a community-based alternative for youth with mental health challenges and their families, allowing them to live safely in their homes and community and avoid institutional care whenever possible.
Suicide Bereavement Support Groups - Suicide Bereavement Support is comprised of a board of directors, people in the community who have either lost someone to suicide or are invested in helping support those who have.
Suicide as a Language of Pain - There is no age restriction for SLOP and no one will be turned away. This is just a part of a series of Virtual Groups through Zoom.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center - The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) is the only federally supported resource center devoted to advancing the implementation of the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. SPRC is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Providence Grief Support Groups - Bereavement support groups consist of sharing your experiences coping with grief as well as learning about the grieving process from a trained facilitator. Providence Hospice offers bereavement support to individuals and families grieving the death of a loved one. All of our services are offered free of charge.
Legacy Health Grief Support & Bereavement Services - All services are provided free of charge by trained bereavement specialists.
David Romprey Warmline - A Peer-Run Program of Community Counseling Solutions
American Association of Suicidology - A resource for professionals to implement life-saving measures throughout the world.
AlcoholHelp - Treatment Services for Alcoholism and Counseling Services for Alcoholism and the Family Members
Unity Center for Behavioral Health - Emergency Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment
Catholic Community Services - Their focus is on those individuals, children, families, and communities struggling with poverty and the effects of intolerance and racism. They actively join with others to work for justice.
Youth Line - A free 24-hour crisis, support, and helpline for youth. YouthLine is a teen-to-teen youth crisis and support service provided by Lines for Life—a non-profit dedicated to preventing substance abuse and suicide. YouthLine operates a national helpline that provides crisis support and referrals via call, text, and chat.
National Teen Line - Teen Line's highly trained teen listeners provide support, resources and hope to any teen who is struggling.
Your Life Your Voice Boys Town - If you are having thoughts of harming yourself or you are being abused, please call us. These are serious issues that are best handled in one-on-one conversations with counselors.
CHADD ADHD Teen Support Groups - We provide peer support, education, and advocacy through our donation-based peer support groups, education meetings, workshops, online resources, and community resource sharing.
Youth Era - Youth Era creates solutions for communities across the country that look beyond short-term assistance for the few and toward sustainable support for the many. When Youth Era opens up a new drop-in center, saving communities hundreds of thousands of dollars, it’s not just the young people or even their families who benefit. With Youth Era services, young people have a much better chance of becoming happy, successful, and contributing adult members of their communities, and everyone reaps the rewards.
Safe Place Youth Shelter - Boys & Girls Aid offers three programs focused on preventing homelessness for youth and young adults by providing safety and the opportunity to put long term plans in place.
Home Plate Youth Services - HomePlate envisions communities where homelessness is a short-term circumstance, not a long term or chronic condition, and youth are supported in their communities.
Jackson Street Youth Services - Jackson Street Youth Services offers youth a safe place to live and resources to work through crises and towards a brighter, more stable future.
Youth Villages - Youth Villages’ approach is to help our nation’s most vulnerable and troubled children. All our programs and services operate under an approach that emphasizes family, measurement, community, intensity and accountability.
New Avenues For Youth - Whether you need a meal and shower or connections to housing, education, and job training, we can help.
The Living Room Youth LGBTQ+ Support - The Living Room works with youth to support belonging, leadership, and engagement through Peer Support Services, drop ins, access to resources, and community events.
The Trevor Project - You deserve a welcoming, loving world. And so do the people you care about. Here you can reach out to a counselor if you’re struggling, find answers and information, and get the tools you need to help someone else.
4-D Recovery - 4D Recovery provides a variety of recovery support services to young people between the ages of 18 and 35 in partnership with systems, communities, and individuals.
Family Justice Center - We host a collaboration of agencies in a single center dedicated to providing safety, healing, and hope to people impacted by violence and abuse.
Domestic Violence Resource Center - When survivors come with needs beyond the scope of DVRC’s services, DVRC works with them to find the help they need elsewhere in the community.
Gateway Center for Domestic Violence Services - Due to COVID-19 The Gateway Center is not accepting walk-ins at this time. Instead, please call 503-988-6400 during regular business hours for one-on-one support with experienced advocates who will help you develop a personal plan and connect you with other services.
YWCA of Greater Portland - The YWCA operates 4 Communities of Restoration and Healing (CoRH) homes to provide permanent, shared housing to women and children escaping domestic violence. This innovative model not only provides a safe and affordable home, it creates a supportive community in which to heal from trauma.
Sexual Assault Resource Center - For over 40 years, SARC’s dedicated staff and volunteers have been providing crisis intervention and ongoing support services to folks who have been impacted by sexual violence. Crisis intervention, including phone support and in-person response, is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. SARC's operations are funded through government grants and generous donations from private foundations, companies, and individual donors, so that their services are offered at no charge.
Bradley Angle - Bradley Angle serves anyone affected by domestic violence. We value the dignity and personal story of everyone who comes to us for support, and respect that survivors should have control over their own lives.
Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence - Community-based advocacy, legal assistance programs, and shelters are still offering services during this time. Some services may look different. Please check below for changes.
Safety Compass - Safety Compass offers free and confidential advocacy services for survivors of commercial sexual exploitation in Clackamas, Marion, and Washington County, Oregon.
Abuse Recovery Ministry Services - ARMS also has programs called ManKind (for men) and Virtue (for women) in limited areas. These programs support faith-based and Christian abuse recovery for those who have made these choices. Participants learn about topics including the types of abuse, the cycle of abuse, what emotional abuse is, what spiritual abuse is, power and control, costs and payoffs of abuse, drugs and alcohol in relation to domestic violence, responsibility versus blame, the victim recovery process and much more.
Road 2 Hope Maternity Home - Women enter the home at any point during their pregnancy and may stay up to a year after their baby is born. We offer an ongoing aftercare program to support women as they move out of the Road to Hope house and on to the next season of their life.
SCARS-Survivor Collective Alliance, Reaching Society - We are a volunteer-run organization of Survivors, run by Survivors, providing peer support for Survivors. Our mission is to empower fellow Survivors and raise awareness about domestic violence, sexual assault, and other forms of abuse as we inform effective system responses for Survivors and their families.
PFLAG - Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays Portland - PFLAG National has all of the support and information you need when a loved one comes out.
SAGE - National LGBT Elder Hotline & Resources - Talk and be heard at the SAGE LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline. We connect LGBTQ+ older people who want to talk with friendly responders who are ready to listen. If you are an LGBTQ+ elder or care for one, call the free SAGE Hotline, toll-free, at 877-360-LGBT(5428).
Basic Rights Oregon - Basic Rights Oregon will ensure that all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Oregonians experience equality by building a broad and inclusive politically powerful movement, shifting public opinion, and achieving policy victories.
The Living Room for Youth - The Living Room works with youth to support belonging, leadership, and engagement through Peer Support Services, drop ins, access to resources, and community events.
The Trevor Project - You deserve a welcoming, loving world. And so do the people you care about. Here you can reach out to a counselor if you’re struggling, find answers and information, and get the tools you need to help someone else.
Trans Lifeline - Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. We’re run by and for trans people.
LGBTQ+ People and Substance Abuse: Statistics and Resources - People within the LGBTQ+ community face challenges ranging from workplace harassment to institutionalized discrimination to bullying and social isolation. These challenges often lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety that put them at an increased risk of substance abuse. At Alternative to Meds Center we recognize each individual is a divine expression of life, and aim to provide the very best in alternative medication and recovery services to all of our clients.
Live Another Day - At Live Another Day, we curate non-biased lists of highly rated treatment providers and trusted resources.
QTBIPOC Addiction & Mental Health Support - QTBIPOC people often experience discrimination due to their gender identity and skin color. This discrimination can also be encountered when it comes to mental and physical health care. The following directory of resources provides access to care for a variety of issues.
Detox Local - Lists resources for various communities to find and receive support.
Oregon LGBTQ Resources - This website is a collaboration between Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN) and the Family Acceptance Project® (FAP) to increase family support for LGBTQ children and youth in Oregon to decrease health and mental health risks and to promote well-being.
Senior Loneliness Line - This free service is designed for adults 55 and older living in Clackamas County who may be isolated or lonely. Our team of volunteers and staff are specially trained in working with older adults, and we can provide ongoing support, connect you or someone you know with resources, or just listen. Your information is completely confidential.
Oregon Senior Peer Outreach - Oregon Senior Peer Outreach offers friendly weekly calls to older adults who may be experiencing loneliness, isolation, sadness, grief or loss. This year has been exceptionally challenging for seniors, and our trained senior peers are ready to share their hope and connection!
Aging & Disability Resource Connection - Get connected to local information and services for seniors and people with disabilities.
Disability, Aging and Veteran Services Washington County - We provide programs and services to maintain and enhance the quality of life to assure that basic needs are met for Washington County seniors, veterans and people with disabilities. Most of our programs serve those ages 60 and over, while our veterans program and benefits enrollment center serves all ages.
Services for Seniors & People with Disabilities - The ADRC can help you and your family explore options and find services and supports including; Family caregiver support, Legal assistance programs, Meals and nutrition services, In-home care, Alzheimers and dementia resources, and more.
Oregon Office on Disability and Health - Our mission is to promote health equity and well-being of people with disabilities. We collaborate with disability communities, public health entities, healthcare systems, and community-based organizations to prioritize access and equity throughout Oregon.
Real Choice Initiative Peer Mentors for Independent Living - Led by and for people with disabilities, Real Choice Initiative facilitates sustainable independent living opportunities for our communities.
Independent Living Resources - ILR offers the four core services of Advocacy, Information and Referral, Peer Counseling and Skills Training, Independent Living Resources helps people to help themselves.
SAGE National LGBT Elder Hotline- Talk and be heard at the SAGE LGBTQ+ Elder Hotline. We connect LGBTQ+ older people who want to talk with friendly responders who are ready to listen. If you are an LGBTQ+ elder or care for one, call the free SAGE Hotline, toll-free, at 877-360-LGBT(5428).
Disability Rights Oregon - We envision a society in which persons with disabilities have equality of opportunity, full participation, and the ability to exercise meaningful choice.
Asian Health & Services Center - Our vision is to reduce health inequity and improve healthcare quality for all Asians.
Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon - APANO unites Asians and Pacific Islanders to build power, develop leaders, and advance equity through organizing, advocacy, community development, and cultural work.
Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center - The Mission of the Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center is to provide high quality, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate primary health care to the communities of Washington and Yamhill counties with a special emphasis on migrant and seasonal farmworkers and others with barriers to receiving health care.
Native American Rehabilitation Association - Providing education, physical and mental health services and substance abuse treatment to American Indians, Alaska Natives, since 1970.
IRCO - IRCO's mission is to promote the integration of refugees, immigrants and the community at large into a self-sufficient, healthy and inclusive multi-ethnic society.
Brown Hope - Brown Hope is building a movement of interdependence, working with neighbors from all different backgrounds to inspire the racial justice and healing our communities need and deserve.
Black Resilience Fund - Black Resilience Fund is a program of nonprofit Brown Hope and is dedicated to fostering healing and resilience by providing direct financial assistance to Black Portlanders.
Centro Cultural - A home for Latino cultures, Centro serves the needs of our diverse community by promoting personal growth and empowerment. Our programs and services continue to evolve to meet the needs of our communities, removing barriers to health, well-being, and economic mobility.
La comunidad es nuestra fuerza. The community is our strength. #NuestroCentro
Neurotherapeutic Pediatric Therapies - We work to positively impact kids, families, and society for the future by providing the best therapy services for all, regardless of their ability to pay, and by educating parents, teachers, other professionals, and our community regarding the unique needs and potential of our clients.
OHSU Family To Family - The Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center supports families and caregivers of children with special health needs when navigating complex health care systems. Staffed by parents of children and youth with a variety of health conditions, we provide free one-to-one support, training, and printed materials to families and professionals who serve them. This website houses hundreds of resources for parents, grandparents, and youth.
New Leaves Clinic - New Leaves Clinic is designed to help people realize their potential. We have a deep respect for the rich diversity of life, including the full spectrum of age and ability. While our methods are based upon research, our approach embodies a warm, genuine and holistic emphasis.
CHADD - Are you an adult with ADHD? Do you have a child with ADHD? Or do you serve the ADHD community? If so, CHADD membership can help. As a member, you'll have access to expert advice. You’ll receive tips on managing ADHD and dealing with issues in relationships, school, and the workplace. You can count on getting up-to-date information on the latest ADHD treatments, trends, news, laws, and more. We are here to help you succeed.
CHADD ADHD Teen Support Groups - Children & Adults with ADHD (CHADD) exists to improve the lives of people in our community who are impacted by Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Autistic Self Advocacy Portland - We are a collaborative, peer-facilitated support group run by and for late-diagnosed mature autistic (ASD) adults who live in or who have recently moved to the Portland, Oregon metro area. While we are not a therapy group, through our discussion process and with the assistance of occasional “outside” presenters we help members with personal and adult-to-adult issues. For example, we routinely address concerns related to housing, access to community resource providers and agencies, employment and adult relationships.
Autism Society Oregon - Creating a world where everyone in the Autism community is connected to the support they need, when they need it.
Legal Aid Services of Oregon - Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO) is a statewide non-profit organization that provides access to legal help for people to protect their livelihoods, their health, and their families.
Oregon State Bar - The mission of the Oregon State Bar is to serve justice and the public interest by promoting respect for the rule of law, by improving the quality of legal services, and by increasing access to justice.
Oregon Law Center - Oregon Law Center (OLC) is a non-profit organization that provides free legal help to people struggling to make ends meet. The mission of the Oregon Law Center is to achieve justice for the low-income communities of Oregon by providing a full range of the highest quality civil legal services
Metropolitan Public Defenders - MPD has been on the cutting edge of public defense since its inception in 1971. Formed as a non-profit law firm, it contracts with the State of Oregon for indigent defense services.
Federal Public Defender - The Federal Public Defender provides legal defense for those who have been charged with a federal offense but cannot afford an attorney.
Parent Child Representation Program - The Commission ensures that eligible individuals have timely access to legal services, consistent with Oregon and national standards of justice.
Legal Advocacy Programs - The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (OCADSV) promotes equity and social change in order to end violence for all communities. We seek to transform society by engaging diverse voices, supporting the self-determination of survivors and providing leadership for advocacy efforts.
Disability Rights Oregon - Disability Rights Oregon pushes communities to reshape how we set up our schools, workplaces, parks, places of business, and public systems to ensure that people with disabilities truly belong.
Basic Rights Oregon - Basic Rights Oregon will ensure that all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Oregonians experience equality by building a broad and inclusive politically powerful movement, shifting public opinion, and achieving policy victories.
Brown Hope - Brown Hope is planting and nurturing seeds for racial justice and healing. We serve and mobilize communities in order to heal our collective soil from the poisons of our past and present, so our future roots can thrive.
Jobs With Justice - Jobs With Justice believes that all workers should have collective bargaining rights, employment security and a decent standard of living within an economy that works for everyone.
The Pathfinder Network - We provide justice system-impacted individuals and families the tools and support they need to be safe and thrive in our communities.
Oregon Justice Resource Center - Our goal is to promote civil rights and improve legal representation for communities that have often been underserved in the past: people living in poverty and people of color among them.
Washington County Housing Services - The DHS offers rental assistance to low income households through various federally funded programs, and also creates affordable housing opportunities in the community for low and moderate income households through a combination of creative financing and partnerships with public and private entities.
HUD - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - A comprehensive list of available resources with direct links and contact information.
Open Door HousingWorks - Open Door HousingWorks provides resources for immediate basic human needs, educates and assists households to obtain and retain affordable permanent housing, and promotes client self determination to achieve a better quality of life for communities of Washington County and its surrounding areas.
Do Good Multnomah Houseless Veteran Services - Do Good Multnomah supports Veteran-centered communities that inspire dignity, sustainability, and purpose.
NW Housing Alternatives - Northwest Housing Alternatives builds new homes and new opportunities for seniors, families, veterans and people with special needs across Oregon.
ROSE Housing Development - ROSE builds affordable homes and community to make outer southeast neighborhoods strong and equitable.
Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program - The Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program helps eligible low-income households with their past due rent.
Community Alliance of Tenants - Formed in 1996, the Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT) is Oregon’s only statewide, grassroots, tenant-controlled, tenant-rights organization. CAT educates, organizes and develops the leadership of low-income tenants.
Housing Authorities OR - Housing Authorities of Oregon advocates for policies and resources that create safe, stable housing options for all Oregonians.
Fair Housing Council - The Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO) is a statewide civil rights organization that proactively promotes housing justice, equity, and inclusion. Our mission is to end illegal housing discrimination and promote equal access to housing choice through education and enforcement of fair housing law.
Harbor Of Hope - Harbor of Hope is dedicated to helping our most disadvantaged neighbors gain access to safe, humane places to dwell and the essential services they need to not just survive but thrive.
Join - Our efforts are directed at individuals sleeping outside or in their car in the Portland Metro area.
Blanchet House - Blanchet House serves anyone who comes to our doors without judgment. We believe everyone deserves food, clothes, community, and hope.
Transition Projects - Our team works to engage folks at all levels of their journey from homelessness to housing. Whether it's getting critical support to our unhoused neighbors on the street, providing shelter for folks to reset and set their sights on housing, or bringing online innovative, deeply affordable housing solutions, we meet and support the many needs of the community we serve.
Rose Haven - Services for women, children and gender non-conforming folks experiencing disruptive life challenges - To provide day shelter, resources, emotional support, and community connections to women, children, and marginalized genders experiencing homelessness and poverty.
Portland Rescue Mission - Since 1949 Portland Rescue Mission has been here to give hope and restore life to men, women, and children struggling with hunger, homelessness, and addiction.
Union Gospel Mission - In addition to meals, the Mission provides food boxes, a day room with coffee and snacks, clothing, hygiene items, referral services and cold Centro Cultural weather shelter to the homeless.
Centro Cultural - A home for Latino cultures, Centro serves the needs of our diverse community by promoting personal growth and empowerment. Housing is critical in our mission to build a community in which everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Housing is a basic human need, and our housing services are grounded in our commitment to reduce human suffering by creating equity and belonging.